Walking in Place Interface for Mixed-Reality Information System

by Kuo-Chieh Ting

powered by Emacs + reveal.js + github

Big Question

How can we navigate/travel within a very large space in a virtual world EASILY using a LIMITED SPACE in the real world?

Vicom: ~4x4M

HTC Vive: ~4.5x4.5M

Example: Virtual Touring


WIP (Walking in Place)


An Interface for Mixed-Reality information system capable of doing WIP and other controls

  • inside-out wearable tracking
  • supporting walking in various directions (even backward!)
  • supporting variable stride-lengthed recognition

What can WIPIMIS chelp?

  • seperate contols into upper body control and lower body control
  • (w/ or w/o other devices. E.g., Vive)

Video Demo

wipimis test3

Seperating Controls

Q: Don't we have the HTC Vive or other new toys?

A: VIVE: only tracks the head and two hands

Q: What kinds of movement can not be done by VIVE?

A: E.g., 1:05~1:13 in this video

Question and Answer